COVID-19 Coronavirus: Guidance for travelers to Finland

COVID-19 Coronavirus: Guidance for travelers to Finland

In­for­ma­tion about CO­VID-19

He­re is so­me use­ful in­for­ma­tion for tra­ve­lers in ca­se of ill­ness, es­pe­cial­ly du­ring the Co­vid-19 co­ro­na­vi­rus outb­reak.


If you ha­ve se­ve­re Co­vid-19 co­ro­na­vi­rus symp­toms such as fe­ver over 38°C with res­pi­ra­to­ry in­fec­tion symp­toms (coug­hing, breat­hing dif­fi­cul­ties) and can­not self-ca­re, seek pro­fes­sio­nal me­di­cal help. It is im­por­tant that you should con­tact the health cen­ter by pho­ne to re­cei­ve inst­ruc­tions.

If your tra­vel in­su­ran­ce inc­lu­des me­di­cal in­su­ran­ce, plea­se con­tact the health pro­vi­der men­tio­ned in the po­li­cy first for ad­vi­ce. Ot­her­wi­se be in con­tact (first by pho­ne) with the lo­cal pub­lic health cen­ter or hos­pi­tal emer­gen­cy de­part­ment.

The Fin­nish ins­ti­tu­te for health and wel­fa­re is con­ti­nous­ly up­da­ting their Co­vid-19 co­ro­na­vi­rus up­da­tes si­te.

For mo­re in­for­ma­tion:  https://www.bu­si­ness­fin­­ro­na­vi­rus-co­vid19-gui­dan­ce-for-tra­ve­lers-to-fin­land/

CI­VID-19 Co­ro­na­vi­rus, las­test up­da­tes in Fin­land (16.3.2020)


Use­ful pho­ne num­bers in Kai­nuu re­gion

KAI­NUU (Ka­jaa­ni, Sot­ka­mo, Kuh­mo, Suo­mus­sal­mi, Ris­ti­jär­vi, Hy­ryn­sal­mi, Pal­ta­mo, Puo­lan­ka mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties)

Call al­ways first the toll-free Me­di­cal help­li­ne num­ber 116 117 be­fo­re you go to the emer­gen­cy cli­nic! It ans­wers 24/7.

Kai­nuu Cent­ral Hos­pi­tal: Emer­gen­cy Cli­nic

Add­ress: Sot­ka­mon­tie 13, 87300 Ka­jaa­ni


Emer­gen­cy ca­re in­for­ma­tion at Hos­pi­tal Dist­rict of Kai­nuu  https://so­te.kai­­lish

Health Cent­re con­tact de­tails in mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties (Call al­ways the toll-free Me­di­cal help­li­ne num­ber 116 117 be­fo­re you go!)

Hy­ryn­sal­mi Health Cent­re

Ki­viön­tie 11
89400 Hy­ryn­sal­mi

Kuh­mo Health Cent­re

Kirk­ko­tie 16
88900 Kuh­mo

Pal­ta­mo Health Cent­re

Sai­raa­la­tie 7
88300 Pal­ta­mo

Ris­ti­jär­vi Health Cent­re

Sau­kon­tie 1
88400 Ris­ti­jär­vi

Sot­ka­mo Health Cent­re

Kes­kus­ka­tu 9
88600 Sot­ka­mo

Suo­mus­sal­mi Health Cent­re

Väls­kä­rin­ku­ja 2
89600 Suo­mus­sal­mi



If you ha­ve se­ve­re Co­vid-19 co­ro­na­vi­rus symp­toms re­qui­ring treat­ment, you can call the Hel­sin­ki co­ro­na­vi­rus help­li­ne at tel. 09 310 10024 (week­days 7-20). At ot­her ti­mes, call the Me­di­cal help­li­ne, tel. 09 310 117.

For mo­re in­for­ma­tion on what to do if you sus­pect you ha­ve the co­ro­na­vi­rus in­fec­tion and are in the Hel­sin­ki area, plea­se see the Hel­sin­ki healt­ca­re co­ro­na­vi­rus in­for­ma­tion si­te.

Emer­gen­cy ca­re in­for­ma­tion at Hos­pi­tal Dist­rict of Hel­sin­ki and Uu­si­maa (HUS):­di­cal-ca­re/me­di­cal-ser­vi­ces/emer­gen­cy_ca­re/



It is im­por­tant to re­mem­ber to call the emer­gen­cy num­ber on­ly in ge­nui­ne emer­gen­cy si­tua­tions. In an emer­gen­cy si­tua­tion, you will be trea­ted even if you do not ha­ve a mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty of re­si­den­ce in Fin­land. The me­di­cal costs can be col­lec­ted from you af­ter­wards. The emer­gen­cy num­ber can be cal­led free of char­ge from any pho­ne. No area co­de is nee­ded. If you ha­ve a mo­bi­le pho­ne subsc­rip­tion that is ba­sed ab­road you can still call the emer­gen­cy num­ber wit­hout an area co­de.


You can find the con­tact in­for­ma­tion of your own Em­bas­sy in Fin­land on the list of rep­re­sen­ta­tions of fo­reign count­ries in Fin­land main­tai­ned by Fin­land's Mi­nist­ry for Fo­reign Af­fairs.

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